Friday, June 27, 2008

a new chapter begin~

salam alaik;
salam sejahtera dan moga berbahagia semua.

alhamdulillah, bersyukur "aku" (its okay kan? i wish a semi formal blog) kerana dapat teruskan Minds of Kaito di sini. oh ya, lupa nak bagitahu, yang Minds of Kaito  ( dulu di tulis sepanjang aku A-Level kat INTEC, and then, after a month; jadual exam terlalu padat dan tak sempat aku nak meninta lagi.

so, insyaAllah, i'm moving here; with the same concept, minds of me, the plain me and yet expect the unexpected. here, i wish that i'm sharing the world from my point of views, also  maybe sometime, it is something small but still there is something to learn from. therefore, most of my entry are my opinions, not facts. 

and thanks for people who supported me before, yang sanggup sejenak singgah2 tengok catatan yang tak seberapa. ya, mungkin tak seberapa; tapi insyaAllah, ada ilmu2 yang kadang2 kita tak jangka.

panjang benar mukadimah; so a new chapter begin. life at INTEC is over as the A-Level story as well; yet for me, this is just a new beginning of a long journey menuju Allah, menjadi seorang insan. and from what i get nanti, insyaAllah, aku kongsi bersama2.

akhir kata, moga bermanfaat.

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